پارس فایل

مرکز دانلود انواع فایل های دانشجویی و دانش آموزی(تحقیق,پاورپوینت,پروژه,مقاله,فایل فلش و ...)

پارس فایل

مرکز دانلود انواع فایل های دانشجویی و دانش آموزی(تحقیق,پاورپوینت,پروژه,مقاله,فایل فلش و ...)

Screening of Immigrants and Refugees for Pulmonary Tuberculosis in San Diego County, California

Study objectives: To evaluate the outcomes of a tuberculosis (TB) screening program for recentimmigrants to San Diego County, CA, and to compare the demographic and clinical characteristicsof pulmonary TB cases occurring in recently arrived foreign-born persons detected throughthis screening with those of similar cases found through routine surveillance.Design: Retrospective review of computer databases and medical records.Setting: Local public health department.Patients: Recent immigrants and r ...

Factors influencing health care workers’ adherence to work site tuberculosis screening and treatment policies

Heather A. Joseph, MPH,a Robin Shrestha-Kuwahara, MPH,a Diane Lowry, MPH, MSW,a Lauren A. Lambert, MPH,aAdelisa L. Panlilio, MD, MPH,b Beth G. Raucher, MD, MSHCM,c James M. Holcombe, MPPA,d Jan Poujade, RN, MS,eDiane M. Rasmussen, RN,f and Maureen Wilce, MSaAtlanta, Georgia, New York, New York, Jackson, Mississippi, Portland, Oregon, and Kansas City, MissouriBackground: Despite the known risk of tuberculosis (TB) to health care workers (HCWs), research suggests that many are not fullyadherent wi ...

Contact tracing and population screening for tuberculosis – who should be assessed?

Abstract Benjamin R. Underwood, Veronica L. C. White, Tim Baker, Malcolm Lawand John C. Moore-Gillon Background The aim of the study was to investigate therelative effectiveness of four strategies in detecting and preventingtuberculosis: contact tracing of smear-positive pulmonarydisease, of smear-negative pulmonary disease andof non-pulmonary disease, and screening new entrants.Methods An analysis of patient records and a TB databasewas carried out for an NHS Trust-based tuberculosis servicein ...

An evaluation of completeness of tuberculosis notification in the United Kingdom

AbstractBackground: There has been a resurgence of tuberculosis worldwide, mainly in developingcountries but also affecting the United Kingdom (UK), and other Western countries. The controlof tuberculosis is dependent on early identification of cases and timely notification to public healthdepartments to ensure appropriate treatment of cases and screening of contacts. Tuberculosis iscompulsorily notifiable in the UK, and the doctor making or suspecting the diagnosis is legallyresponsible for not ...

Americans’ Knowledge and Perceived Risk of Tuberculosis

Abstract Tuberculosis (TB) has resurged as a major publichealth problem in the United States, but there is minimalinformation on the public’s knowledge of TB. The generalpopulation must become aware of the seriousness of thereemergence of TB. Using data from the National HealthInterview Survey Supplement, this study examined knowledgeand perceived risk of TB of 14,727 U.S. respondents. Resultsdemonstrated some general knowledge of TB, several misconceptions,and low concern regarding their ...

Tuberculosis in association with travel

AbstractThroughout history, tuberculosis has been spread by the movement of human populations. Modern travel continues to beassociated with risk of tuberculosis infection and disease. TB transmission has been documented on commercial aircraft, frompersonnel or passengers to other personnel and passengers, but the risk of transmission is low. As in other settings, the likelihood oftransmission is proportional to duration and proximity of contact. Travellers from low incidence to high incidence co ...

Mandated Tuberculosis Screening in a Community of Homeless People

Background: To examine the effects of a community program on tuberculosis incidence, prevalence,and transmission requiring users of public facilities to carry cards certifying theircompliance with a tuberculosis screening, prophylaxis, and treatment program. Communityknowledge of tuberculosis and costs and benefits of the program are described.Setting: A West Coast “skid row” community with historically high rates of tuberculosis, homelessness,poverty, and use of drugs and alcohol.De ...

Knowledge of Tuberculosis Among Drug Users)Relationship to Return Rates for Tuberculosis Screening at a Syringe Exchange)

Abstract – Tuberculosis is an important health issue among drug users. We sought to evaluate activedrug users’ (DUs) knowledge of tuberculosis (TB) and to assess the relationship between TB knowledgeand attitudes and tuberculin skin test (TST) return rates at a syringe exchange program. DUs wererecruited at a syringe exchange program in New York City, were interviewed and offered TSTs, andreceived $15.00 upon returning for TST reading. The questionnaire evaluated knowledge of TB tran ...